Training Manual Template
A Training Manual template is a type of booklet that contains set of instructions to be followed for using some product or for performing some task. A training manual may be offered to customers with products or it may be prepared for employees also. 10+ Sample Training Manual Templates. Every organization has many kinds of manuals and templates that are used to announce the policies and procedures pertaining to their operations. Manuals which capture all aspects of Training of the organization are called Training Manuals. Manual Templates are available for the users to download free of cost.
Download any pieces you need to start building your safety plan.
Thanks for visiting our site. Feel free to ask us any questions for OSHA related matters. Although a custom safety manual is not free, please browse our site and gather any free information you need to build it yourself.
You will need the latest version of Adobe Acrobat and/or have a program to unzip the files. We recommend either; WinRar, 7ziporwinzip. Please reach out to us if you have difficulty with any downloads. We are happy to send them to you directly.
Toolbox Topics (Toolbox Talks, Tailgate Safety Meetings)
The topics are intended for use of on-the-job safety training and meetings to educate employees of potential hazards and work-related injuries and illnesses. You should record all safety meetings and keep in the employee’s file.
Include are 80 topics in both English and Spanish. They may be viewed and printed as is or they may be customized with your company’s name and address.
Users with Microsoft Word have the further capability to modify the text of the meetings themselves, to make allowance for local conditions, for example, or to make specific reference to a new piece of equipment or a new technique or practice.

Download Tailgate Safety Meetings
OSHA’s Small Business Handbook

Employee Training Manual Template
Rather build it yourself? If you’re looking for a safety manual template, a good place to start is with OSHA’s small business handbook.
This handbook is provided to owners, proprietors and managers of small businesses by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor. Assuming that you are committed to safe and healthful work practices, OSHA wants to work with you to prevent all losses. We believe that, when you make job safety and health a real part of your everyday operations, you will not lose in the long run. Investing in safety and health activity now will better enable you to avoid possible losses in the future.
This is meant to guide you through setting and implementing your policies. It is not a replacement for an IIPP or Safety Manual.
Download Small Business Handbook – PDF
Download Small Business Handbook – Word
Heat Illness Prevention
Outdoor workers who are exposed to hot and humid conditions are at risk of heat-related illness. The risk of heat-related illness becomes greater as the weather gets hotter and more humid. This situation is particularly serious when hot weather arrives suddenly early in the season, before workers have had a chance to adapt to warm weather.
FED OSHA does not have a specific standard that covers working in hot environments. Nonetheless, under the OSH Act, employers have a duty to protect workers from recognized serious hazards in the workplace, including heat-related hazards. This guide helps employers and worksite supervisors prepare and implement hot weather plans. It explains how to use the heat index to determine when extra precautions are needed at a worksite to protect workers from environmental contributions to heat-related illness. Workers performing strenuous activity, workers using heavy or non-breathable protective clothing, and workers who are new to an outdoor job need additional precautions beyond those warranted by heat index alone.
Download Heat Stress Training Guide
Download Heat Illness Prevention Training Slides
Training Plan Template
This sample employee training plan template is provided to assist you as an employer in developing a program tailored to your own operation. This is not a complete system. We encourage employers to copy, expand, modify and change the sample as necessary to accomplish this.
Training Plan Template
Safety Signs
Dozens of Safety Signs. All signage viewable and printable via Acrobat Reader. Looking for something not listed? We’re happy to make it for you, no charge. Click and download however many you need for your business!
Safety Signage
Training Manual Outline

Self Inspection Checklist
Regular site safety inspections using site-specific checklists keep the workplace safe by identifying and correcting hazards in the workplace. Inspection frequency depends on the hazard level of the workplace; sites may need checks at every shift, daily, quarterly or annually. Document the inspection observations, identified hazards, and the corrective actions taken.
Download Self Inspection Checklist
Please contact us if you have difficulty with any downloads.If you have difficulty opening the files, please make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat or have 7zip,winzip or WinRar installed on your computer.