Remington Serial Number Lookup 870
If it still has the original barrel look at the left side of thebarrel back toward the receiver and get the date code - it will bea series of two letters or three letters - the first letter is themonth represented by BLACKPOWDERX B being January and X beingDecember. The next two or one letter represents the year ofmanufacture. 1950 is WW, 1951 is XX, 52 is YY, 53 is ZZ, 54 is A,55 is B, 56 is C, 57 is D, 58 is E, 59 is F, 60 is G, 61 is H, 62is J, 63 is K, 64 is L, 65 is M, 66 is N, 67 is P, and 1968 is R.That is all that you should need because in 1968 Remington changedthe serial number structure and added a letter to the front of theserial number.
Remington 550-1 Serial Number Lookup
Manufacture date of Remington Wingmaster 12 gauge model 870 serial 1166067X?
Remington 870 Serial Number Lookup Remington Year of Manufacture Codes maybe found on the barrel of your Remington rifle or shotgun on the left side, just forward of the receiver; the first letter of the Code is the month of manufacture, followed by one or two letters which are the year of manufacture. #If you are 'Today, if you do not want to disappoint, Check price before the Price Up.Remington 870 Pump Shotgun Serial Number Lookup You will not regret if check price.' Price comparisons of Remington 870 Pump Shotgun Serial Number Lookup. Remington 870 Replacement Shotgun Barrels Reviews @Take me there 'Today, if you do not want to disappoint, Check price before the Price Up.Remington 870. If you’ve enjoyed the features on this web site, you will enjoy a membership in the Remington collectors club: The Remington Society of America. Your annual membership will bring you in contact with those who share your Remington interests. Every three months you’ll receive a colorful, 60-page all-Remington.
Lookup date code on Remington Society of America here:
How do you find out the date of manufacture for a Remington Model 870 Wingmaster?
The barrel date code is the primary method of dating a Remington. Of course, if the barrel is not the original barrel for the gun that complicates things. The Remington factory could probably date it by serial number.
What year is a Remington wingmaster model 870 with the serial number 35150w?
Remington 870 Magnum Serial Number Lookup
They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America. --- Update: It's important to note that the barrel on the shotgun MAY not be the barrel that was originally on the shotgun at purchase. Check the serial number with Remington.
What is the manufacture date of Springfield Model 1903 serial 1293345?
what is the manufacture dateof springfield serial# 1226813
What is the manufacture date of western field model M782 serial 830424?
The manufacture date of western field model M782 with the serial 830424 is 2012.
What is manufacture date of browning shotgun serial?
What is the age of remington 870 wingmaster serial 899596v?
How old is Remington 870 wingmaster left hand ser.?
They have date code stamps on the barrel which can be looked up on the manufacture date link on the Remington Society of America.
Remington Serial Date Of Manufacture
What is the manufacture date of a model 94 serial number 924962 and its approx value?
How do you determine the date of manufacture on a colt 1911A1 slide?
By it's serial number.Go to to find the date of manufacture.

How do you find the date of manufacture for a Winchester model 24?
If you provide the serial number in your question then I can give you the date of manufacture.
What is the manufacture date of a Colt AR15 model SP1 serial number SP192754?
What is the manufacture date of a Colt AR15 rifle serial number 192754 model SP1
What is the manufacture date of a Smith and Wesson model 29-2 with serial number S301xxx?
to secure an accurate manufacture date the FULL serial number is needed.